First Year

Hey everyone!

Endless amounts of essays and double vodka's later and I'm pleased to say I have survived my first year of university! I thought it was only fitting to write up a blog post summarising some of my favourite moments and some lessons I've learnt along the way...

Balance your work/social life

Too many times I left my essays until the last week, simply because I lacked motivation. Unfortunately compared to A levels; you're not going to have a tutor bugging you every second about deadlines. Instead you're going to have the 'good' students comparing their finished work to your barely structured plan of an essay. Ya feel me?

Steer clear of Tequila

Clo may be able to handle tequila in the moment, but the morning after is not a pretty sight! NOT worth it! Stick to vodka is all that I can emphasise!

Not everyone you meet has the same heart as you

Look at me getting all deep- I just wanna make a point here that starting uni means meeting some incredibly genuine people, but also interacting with some awfully dire people. It's a given everywhere you go. But what should be realised is the urgency in cutting these people out of your life. They'll just drain your happiness and waste your time. The moment you start doubting someone, is the moment you should stop investing your time in them.

Uninstall Yik Yak

I can't express my hatred towards this futile app. Drama students you will probably love this "Gossip Girl" in real life app, but for others it's just a way of spreading rumours. No taaa!

Finally... enjoy yourself!

I think every fresher hits a stage where they question whether or not they've made the right decisions; Should they have chosen to go to uni? Should they have chosen this course? I became an emotional mess at one point, but after a few nights out and removing a few people out of my life, I realised that I had made the best decision! It's a new experience and you should be loving every second of it.

I know I have...


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